Monday, July 03, 2006

New Politics 41

Here's the contents of the interesting Schachtmanite (in the best sense) journal New Politics #41.

Underlined articles have a link, but there's always interesting material only available in the print edition. Check the link above for links to the articles.

From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Reid Mandell
This takes us back to the inspirational 'Open Letter to the Party' by Kuron and Modzelewski, which New Politics published in 1966 (and I think I've still got the pamphlet version of this published by the IS) as marking out the democratic, 'bottom up' political territory they situate themselves in.

Weather Underground Rises from the Ashes: They're Baack!, Jesse Lemisch
This is an interesting and useful polemical (and hostile) response to the tentative rehabilitation of the Weather Underground that seems to be going on, by an old SDS-er. Interesting to see if there any responses. There's a link to the reborn SDS here.

War and Circuses, Bill Littlefield

Special Section on Caregiving
Foster Care, Betty Reid Mandell (with notes)
The Wages of Care, Deanne Bonnar (with notes)
Stress on the Long-Term Caregiver, Janice Regolsky Babcock
Empowering People with Disabilities, Ravi Malhotra (with notes)
Winning a Welfare Battle and Building Bridges, Lorraine Cohen
The Ups and Downs of the Swedish Welfare State, Helen Lachs Ginsburg and Marguerite G Rosenthal (with notes)
Interview with Gwendolyn Mink, Betty Reid Mandell and Marguerite G Rosenthal
SEIU Confronts the Home Care Crisis in California, Brandynn Holgate and Jennifer Shea (web only)

The Hamas Victory and the New Politics That May Come, Emad El-Din Aysha
Looks good to me.

The Great Betrayal in Afghanistan, Vanni Cappelli

From the Belgian Congo to the "War on Terror", James Graham

Pentagon Strategy, Hollywood, and Technowar, Carl Boggs
Interesting, but maybe too one-dimensional in seeing Hollywood as doing the Pentagon's ideological work.

The Soul of Socialism, Ronald Aronson

On the Run from Nazis and Gendarmes, Mathis Szykowski

The Political Economy of Psychotherapy, David Singer (web only)

Letter in Response to Roma Article, Bennett Muraskin and Bill Templer
South Sudan: Border of Chad (Poem), Robert Kelly

The Struggle for Black Rights in the United States, Immanuel Wallerstein
On Affirmative Action, Reginald Wilson
Hero of Reason, Robin Ganev
Herman Melville and C. L. R. James, Richard Clark Sterne
The "War on Terror" and the Class War at Home, Jason Schulman
Torture, Empire, and the Fourth Estate, Lisa Lynch
Looking Back on the Cuban Revolution to Better Assess its Future, Larry Beeferman
The Nazis and Racial Purity, Horst Brand
Iconoclastic Utopianism, Michael Lowy
Moishe Postone's Dialectic of the Abstract, Loren Goldner
Artiicial Minds, Virtual Bodies, Mel Bienenfeld

I'm just disappointed that so many of these reviews aren't available on the web.

Words & Pictures
Kent Worcester interviews Nick Thorkelson, Kent Worcester


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