Thursday, May 25, 2006

Socialist Worker 2002 May 27th 2006

Socialist Worker (#2002 May 27th 2006) leads with a story about a Pakistani-born British citizen being deported as part of the current foreign criminals hysteria/moral panic - written by the guy's sister Sam Almas. This is backed up by a Mark Brown story, 'Racist myths behind the scaremongering', good stuff on the racism of anti-immigrant propaganda; but failing to take up the crime angle which dominates the news.

Elaine Graham-Leigh from Respect has a go at 'Da Vinci Code drivel' for pushing a rightwing position with a new age gloss, 'fringe monarchist fantasies' and who could gainsay the author of The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian Crusade.

There's also a page by another academic, Martin Evans writing about 'Mutiny in Algeria', a very interesting and rare story about reservist and conscript resistance to being sent to Algeria in 1956, a mutiny that was hidden from contemporary France and pretty much hidden from history. This is an excellent article about a hidden but important piece of history, with huge relevance for today. Evans' book The Memory of Resistance: French Opposition to the Algerian War 1954-62 (1997) looks important. Well done Socialist Worker.


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