Sunday, May 07, 2006

Weekly Worker 623 May 4th 2006

Weekly Worker (#623 May 4th 2006) has a nice big picture of an armoured car on its front and the headline 'Eighty years since the 1926 general stike' leading to the first ('From world war to council of action') long part of a six-part series (oh, goodie). I remember the 50th anniversary and what seemed like an outpouring of books on the strike; this time round there's a Guardian version from Anne Perkins which looks like an attempt to write the whole thing off and a book from Peter Taafe.

Elsewhere, complicated events in the WASG get three pages. God, we wanted to know more about goings on in Germany and they certainly give us the detail, but maybe a bit too focussed on affiliates of the British left.

Workers Left Unity Iran has a piece publicizing their Alliance Against War in Support of Iranian Workers campaign.

A report from the TUC May Day march says there was some kind of showing of support from trade unionists for this, but estimates around 3-4,000 people (with the Morning Star claiming more than 5,000)


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