Thursday, February 10, 2005

Socialist Worker #1938 Feb 12th 2005

Socialist Worker (February 12th 2005 #1938) leads on the profits of the oil companies in contrast to attacks on immigrants and what Shell has done for the Ogoni people of Nigeria.

CJ Park of the Korean sister organisation All Together provides a column on the 5th WSF, the account glows with enthusiasm about the role of the IST and the need to counter a rightward shift among the leaders of the movement.

An interesting academic withj considrable specialist knowledge, David Seddon, provides a piece on the royal coup in Nepal.

Lindsey German (writing in a 'personal capacity') on 'Getting the troops out is still the key demand after the Iraqi election' sets the scene for the STW conference. Lindsey uses the Vietnam War analogy to argue the danger of attacks or invasions on Iran and Syria are real and that's we need to conrinue to campaign. Yep, I agree with it all.

Simon Basketeer tells (part of) the story of the United Irishmen and the 1798 Rebellion in a new series on revolts against imperialism.

The SWP's focus on Make Poverty History is reflected in a piece by Louise Richards of War on Want outlining the demands of the coalition, urging the importance of campaigns in April as well as Edinburgh in July. The redoubtable Alex Callinicos joins in with an argument for being at the G8 protests. Alex mentions the Birmingham G8 summit in 1998 and the thousands who were there and acknowledges that it was 'one of the first signs of the emerging movement against capitalist globalisation', and says it was a mistake for the socialist left and trade union movement not to be there. Damn right and good on yer, Professor - the willingness to admit mistakes and learn from them is vital! The Financial Times analysis of the recent G7 meeting gets quoted.

Dave King talks about his long work uncovering the photographic falsification of Soviet history, currently there's an exhibition of some of his materials at the Tate Modern, which I would love to see, but won't.

And as a sign of how successful the widening horizon of SW is there is an interview with Richard Gott on Hugo Chavez and Venezuela’s ‘slow revolution', which is both informative and I would have thought a tad more enthusiastic about the Bolivarian revolution than SW would be. Good stuff.


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